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Botiga Futbolmania

Botigues Barcelona > Futbolmania

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Botiga: Futbolmania
:  Ronda de Sant Pau, 25 (Barcelona). Amb Aldana.
Telèfon: 93 443 78 24
Preu: .
Obert: De dilluns a dissabte de 10-21h.
Tancat: Diumenge.

icono Ronnie Gryberg | 28-06-2012
Bought a new Barca shirt with my 6 year old son, who wanted his name and the number ten printed on the shirt. We paid for the shirt (you have to before you can get the print) but they could not deliver the number my son wanted, and would not give us the refund for the print back. Very bad for a shop that big. Will definately not be going back again.
Edat: 35-45
No recomanable

Comida a domicilio Barcelona