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  Reviews of shops in Barcelona


La Manual Alpargatera
Servei Estació

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Before travelling

Altaïr is, with no doubt, the best and most complete travel bookshop in Barcelona. As we enter, on our right hand side, we will find a notice board on which travelers ask about concrete destinations, look for adventure partners or offer some advice –which shows that this is more than a simple bookshop: a cultural space where all sorts of people share the same hobby. Actually, the shop has its own blog where travelers who have wandered around the whole world share their stories, impressions and thoughts. Certainly interesting.

The shop is divided into two floors ordered alphabetically by continent. At the same time, continents are in alphabetical order by country. In each country we will find countless guides in different languages, as well as literature related to each country, maps, religion books, etc. There are also departments specializing in nature, photography, world cooking and music, religions, etc. With a tasteful layout and an organization that makes our search easy, the shop has also a few armchairs where we can seat and leaf through any book.

As if that weren’t enough, in Altaïr we will find accessories that will be really useful to travelers such as back bags, sleeping bags, mosquito nets, special towels, compasses, penknives, torches, etc. The staff is always attentive, gets involved in our cause and advises us as much as possible. Altaïr also has its own magazine and travel agency.

Undoubtedly, Altaïr is a must for those who are planning to embark on an adventure abroad.



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